Happiness is a loaded word, and it means different things to different people. In our case, happiness isn’t about “feeling” happy all the time, but rather about developing the mental tools and emotional infrastructure to deal with the complexity of life in a healthy, and sustainable manner.
Count EVERY Second Until HAPPINESS!
This HAPPINESS workshop is truly a team effort! Here are the people that bring it all together and make each workshop so memorable!

Mark Sham

Nicola Fenn

Sabrina Strydom

Corne Mont-Buys
Absolutely NOTHING!
We have poured our hearts and souls into this project to provide you with real value and take-home skills in order to showcase our passion for speaking and sharing insights and knowledge.
Need a personalised workshop for your business?
We can bring it to you, host it at our venue, The Tryst, or run a virtual session wherever possible, accompanied with the ability to scale this workshop up or down dependent on requirements.
Happiness Workshop
Happiness Booklet
A reminder that HAPPINESS takes time, work and effort.
100% of our attendees said the workshop was totally different from what they expected and better than they could have imagined.
Keep in touch after the workshop and carry on learning Mark Sham’s lessons by following us on social media or signing up for our newsletter.